Tip : What are the figures?
- Pay
- Pay >
{{Contracted Works Title}}
(in this example, Main Contracted Works REF31
- Pay >
{{Contracted Works Title}}
> Authorise or Verify
- Pay >
{{Contracted Works Title}}
> Authorise or Verify > sub contracted works
Step 01
- Amount to Authorise/Verify :
- This is the gross value of the contracted works from the relevant payment certificate.
- Domestic Reverse Charge (DRC) VAT :
- This is any amount withheld under the domestic reverse charge VAT scheme.
- Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) PAYE :
- This is any amount withheld for PAYE under the Construction Industry Scheme.
- Retentions :
- This is any amount held back from payment in case of later defects (if retentions apply on this project).
- You must enter a value in every field, even if it is 0.
- When you have entered all the figures, the “Save Draft” button will activate.
- Check in the popup that the figures you entered are correct, and hit “OK.” You will be returned to the Payments page, where you’ll see the state update.