Contracted Works reflect the contractual chains from the Project Owner down through the project’s suppliers. So every chain of Contracted Works starts with the Project Owner.
Just like the contracts they reflect, there is a Contracted Works between every Payer and Payee in the Project. Each Payer is responsible for setting up the Contracted Works between themselves and their Payees.
An Organisation can be a Payer and a Payee at the same time (if they have customers and suppliers on the project.)
The Project Owner sets the Payment Window for each of their Contracted Works. this Payment Window applies to all of the Contracted Works beneath.
The diagram below shows an example of a single Contracted Works from a Project Owner.
This example only shows one Contracted Works from the Project Owner. The Project Owner could have additional Contracted Works, each of which would have their own chains of Contracted Works beneath them, and their own Payment Window. But that would make the diagram pretty complicated!